Faith Formation Handbook

Faith Formation Handbook


The Faith Formation handbook is designed to guide all who participate in the Faith Formation Program at St. Pius X. Rules and regulations create and maintain an environment wherein quality religious education and the safety of every child are considered to be of the utmost importance. Please acquaint yourself and your child(ren) with the guidelines in the handbook before the next session begins. Knowledge of the policies and guidelines will help achieve the goals of the program.




  • To support parents in the formation of their child’s faith since the home is the most influential force in the life of a child. The family has the primary responsibility for forming the faith of children.
  • To provide a program that develops the participant’s knowledge of the Catholic faith. The Faith Formation program supplements the family’s faith development process.
  • To nurture a student’s desire to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • To enrich their spiritual life through prayer and the sacraments.
  • To encourage families to actively participate in the parish life.



CLICK HERE to download the Faith Formation Handbook

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