About our Program

About our Program




2024-2025 Faith Formation Classes Begin Sunday, September 8, 2024




Ms. Claudia Stewart, Faith Formation Administrator






Catechists:   Our Catechists are men and women who love Jesus, live their faith and are always excited to share their faith with others. They are truly disciples of Christ. Among our Catechists are lawyers, executives and motivated high school students who know the value and virtue their faith adds to the development of their moral and personal life.


Parents:    At Baptism, parents promised to raise their children in a Catholic home. St. Pius X Faith Formation SHARES this responsibility with parents once a week. As a family unit, our parents accept the responsibility to nourish their child’s faith within their home and to become part of our parish community by attending weekly Mass and other scheduled religious liturgies and activities.


Pastor:  Our Pastor, Fr. Valentine is committed to Faith Formation at all levels ... from our littlest ones through adults. Fr. Valentine is also dedicated to welcoming those who might be interested in learning more about our faith. 






The Mission Statement of the St. Pius X Faith Formation Program reflects the mission statement of our parish.


  • Love God by getting to know Jesus and praise Him;
  • Love Others by serving;
  • Make disciples by being the living, loving example of Jesus and being the best as Jesus meant us to be.


It Is the goal of St. Pius X R. C. parish, to provide the children of our parish with a quality Faith Formation Program for Levels pre-K thru 8. Our catechists present the Christ Our Life Program featuring a spiral curriculum which ensures consistent progress toward an accurate, thorough understanding of the faith. Our catechists prepare our Level 2 children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion with the Blessed Program which inspires children to be lifelong Catholics. Our Levels 7 & 8 children are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation through the Christ Our Life , Chosen , Decision Point and Confirmed by the Spirit Programs.


Please note that age and school grade level does not determine the Faith Formation Level of instruction. Students will be placed at the level appropriate for their knowledge of their faith. 






Each level will be required to recite specific prayers and be familiar with concepts of their faith.  Students will be asked throughout the year to demonstrate their proficiency.


Our purpose is threefold:


  • To teach the faith and traditions of the Catholic Church
  • To foster growth of Catholic moral principles
  • To inspire a fuller prayer life to build a deeper relationship with God






For the Faith Formation Program 2024-25 academic year, classes are offered :


  • Sunday morning
  • Monday late afternoon & evening
  • Tuesday late afternoon & evening


Our families may choose any class day that best fits their schedule.  However, once registered, no changes will be made without the approval of the Pastor.


The Faith Formation Program is in session from September through May. Students attend classes once a week for one hour. Weekly attendance at Mass is a requirement for all levels. Click here for Gospel Reflection forms.


Please choose the class that best fits your child’s schedule. We will be taking measures to provide safety in the classroom so class sizes will be limited and changes may not be possible due to limited seating.






  • Families already registered with the program will receive notification via email with a link to the online registration site.
  • Families new to the program 
  • Contact the Faith Formation Office for the   New Family Registration Form.  It is a two-page form, so please be sure to print both pages. 
  • Contact the Faith Formation Office at (516)822-8348 to arrange for a "Get-to-Know-You" meeting with the Faith Formation. Administrator She will answer any questions and provide information about our Faith Formation program and parish.






St. Pius X Faith Formation is an 8-year program.  Students start in Level 1 and complete the formal program in Level 8.  Our Pre-School (ages 3-Kindergarten) program is optional  but highly recommended.


  • Preparation for First Reconciliation & First Holy Communiont ake place in Levels 1 and 2. 
  • Students receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in November of Level 2
  • Students receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in May of Level 2.
  • Preparation for Confirmation takes place in Levels 7 and 8.  Students receive the Sacrament in the Spring of Level 8.




Faith Formation Calendar


2024-25 Faith Formation Calendar(Sept-May)




Welcome Ministry


Welcome Ministry Mass Greeter Brochure 2024-2025




Service Project 


Service Project Reflection 2024-2025


Service Hour Worksheet 2024-2025




Mass Greeter Sign Up Link




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